Yay! Photos!

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Williston, N.D.-At long last, I found a library that has USB ports and lets me use them. Thus, I present a few photos of the trip. These are basically in chronological order, and actually date from a few weeks ago - I didn't have time to get into the more recent ones in my brief hour on the 'net. Alas.

By the way, the little elephant dude that shows up in a number of them is my girlfriend Mary's Ganesh finger puppet, which she graciously lent me for the trip after discovering Hindis consider him the "protector of journeys." He keeps nosing his way into photos, though, the impudent sprite.

Anacortes, Washington - the starting point.

A waterfall in Washington State, right behind a massive powerhouse used to generate energy for Seattle. This was right next to what were once some beautiful gardens that have since fallen into disrepair. Apparently it used to be quite the tourist attraction for Seattleites to take the train out to the dam for a tour and boat trip.

Anacortes had a bunch of life-size cut-outs of "period" people stuck all over town. I couldn't figure this one out, though.

Here's me at the Pacific right after I dunked my tires in the water to start the trip.

The view from Washington Pass in the Cascades, second-highest point on the trip.

1 Responses to “Yay! Photos!”

  1. Blogger Mary 

    That one picture is very pro-evolution. At least, that's one of the theories we should teach about it.

    Glad to see Ganesh is doing well. Now keep pedaling so you can hurry home to me!


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I'm Tom Moran, a bicyclist from Fairbanks, Alaska. I'm spending the summer of 2006 riding from Anacortes, Wash., to Bar Harbor, Maine.

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